Farming printer goes REF
Farming or Yield Farming is defined as the process of staking your LP tokens into a farm, to earn additional rewards, on top of your existing liquidity position(s) swap fee revenue.
Like pools, all farms are contained in one single contract (v2.ref-farming.near). Plus, a farm can support up to 16 different reward tokens.
Liquidity incentives are usually used by projects' owners to attract liquidity and to facilitate trading.
When you stake LP tokens into a farm, you also continue to earn trading fees from the corresponding liquidity pool
How to farm?
First, make sure that you are connected to Ref Finance with your wallet.
Step 1: Click on Farms and choose a relevent pool
In the Farms section, you can view all old, live, and future farms and filter them by different criteria.
To farm, you need LP tokens, which means you need to provide liquidity initially for the corresponding pool. To provide liquidity, please refer to the Pooling section.
Farms are limited to a certain number of pools, not all pools have a yield farming option
You can check the associated pool of a farm by either clicking on the pool, choosing Add liquidity or Get LP Tokens
Step 2: Click on Stake after adding liquidity
Step 3: Enter the amount of LP tokens you want to stake
Note that you can do some yield simulations by clicking on ROI calculator. Please be careful as the simulations are 'other things being equal' (i.e. not taking into account potential Divergence Loss).
Step 4: Stake
Step 5: Approve the transaction (i.e. using NEAR wallet)
Track, claim and withdraw farming rewards
First, make sure that you are connected to Ref Finance with your wallet.
Step 1: Click on Farms and select Yours
Step 2: Claim your rewards
Once claimed, your rewards are still in the contract (boostfarm.ref-labs.near) and can be seen in the left dashboard.
Step 3: Withdraw your reward
Once withdrawn, rewards are transferred to your wallet.
Last updated